June Update from the Women's Initiative
Hey Sunshine! News, Events, and Giving! |
June 2022

Campaign Celebration

Many Thanks

We Want You

Mark Your
Some Kind of Wonderful
The Women’s Initiative (WI) Steering Committee, led by Tara Nutik of Deloitte Houston and Karen Kershner Slack of Slack & Co. Contracting, is happy to report that we contributed $5 million to the 2021 – 2022 Community Campaign. This good news was shared at the WI Final Celebration hosted by Amegy Bank in their beautiful Galleria-area office tower. Click here to see photos from the event.
This campaign season, WI members...
- Included 733 members
- Welcomed 274 new members
- Collected and wrapped 900 books for 450 students
- Created 100 Mother's Day cards with gift cards included
Overall, contributions to the 2021-2022 Community Campaign, led by Champaign Chair Scott Hallam of Williams, totaled $57.05 million. Learn more about how your United Way contribution helps so many by reading the 2021 - 2022 Annual Report.


Thank You to the 2021 - 2022 WI Steering Committee
With a job description that includes organizing events, asking acquaintances for contributions (to a great cause!), attending early-morning meetings, and writing thank you notes, this group of tireless volunteers did it all – in high heels and slippers. We salute you!
Also, a special note of thanks to Jane Jones, Lynne Mathre, and Brenda Schroeder who have completed their volunteer commitment to the WI Steering Committee. Now, we look forward to seeing them as guests at our events.
Jeanne Abundis
Toi Anderson
Decie Autin
Patricia Bartoskewitz
San Burnett
Jay Fairley
Caroline Fant
Colette Harden
Renee Havrilla
Shelly Heuser
Teal Holden
Monica Hwang
Karen Kershner Slack
Jane Jones
Sue Kean
Manon Kebodeaux
Paige Larrabee
Lynn Mathre
Karen Nielsen
Tara Nutik
Eydie Pengelly
Becky Rush
Brenda Schroeder
Lamonica Spivey
Katie Thurman
Kelly Whitley
We’re excited to announce that our 2022 – 2023 WI Steering Committee co-chairs are Karen Kershner Slack and Decie Autin! We know these two ambitious women will continue to take us far.

Can You Spare Some Time?
WI is so lucky to have amazing members who are always looking to contribute a little more of their time, skills, and passion for their community.
So in this spirit, we invite you to apply to be part of the Women’s Initiative Steering Committee for the 2022 - 2023 campaign. United Way is looking to recruit new and diverse members to join this wonderful group. Your involvement can be big or small.
Benefits Include:
- Sharing your talents and skills for a great cause
- Cultivating and growing the spirit of philanthropy, community advocacy, and volunteerism
- Networking with like-minded women and peers across industries
Contact Isha Baker for more details.
Mark Your Calendars
Back to School Supplies Drive
Provide school supplies for students in United Way programs
Donate by July 22, 2022
2022 – 2023 Community Campaign Kickoff
September 21, 2022
Details coming soon
WI Appreciation Luncheon
Sept. 20, 2022
Junior League of Houston Ballroom
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
RSVP link to come. Save the date!
Connect with Us
Stay current on events and happenings, connect with fellow members, and learn more about the impact we make together in our Women's Initiative Facebook and LinkedIn groups. Access to these sites is limited to members only. To get your first-time entry, email Isha Baker.
About the Women's Initiative
Women’s Initiative members enjoy engaging networking events, personal and professional development programs, and volunteer opportunities where they learn about community issues and the impact United Way programs make. WI members make personal gifts to United Way of $2,500 or more annually and collectively contributed more than $4.7 million in 2020-2021.