United Way Women's Initiative
News, Project Recaps, and Upcoming Activities |
January 2021

Updated ALICE
Report and Data

Explore ALICE
and 211 Data

Making Tough
Choices Challenge

Wrap and
Wine Wrap Up
More Than 47% of Our Neighbors Are Struggling
We all know people who are ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). ALICE workers educate our children, keep us healthy, and make our quality of life possible, yet do not earn enough to support their own families. ALICE households are forced to make tough choices, such as deciding between quality child care or paying the rent, which have long-term consequences not only for ALICE, but for us all.
47% of Greater Houston Area families are ALICE or living below the poverty level.
And that was before COVID-19. We know the COVID-19 pandemic and hardships it has created have caused more families to become ALICE and have made life even tougher for those who were already ALICE. Read about some of the ways COVID-19 has impacted ALICE.
The ALICE Report underscores the importance of United Way THRIVE and United Way of Greater Houston's other work to help families meet their immediate needs and establish and travel a path to a more successful future. Data from the ALICE Report coupled with the calls for help and hope from our 211 Texas/United Way Helpline are key in United Way understanding how many people in our community struggle to get by and to United Way's Second Century Vision, the vision that will guide our second century of service.
Explore Dynamic ALICE and 211 Data
There is significant variation in the number of households that are ALICE and living in poverty within our counties, cities, and communities. This map allows you to explore that data zip code by zip code.
See the latest 211 Texas/United Way HELPLINE call volume, top needs, where callers live, and other data on this dashboard, which is updated daily, Monday through Friday.
And, explore COVID-19-related 211 Texas/United Way HELPLINE data, including top needs and unmet needs, via this dashboard.
Making Tough Choices - Take the Challenge
In November, Women's Initiative members gathered for a virtual happy hour (if you don't see the photos, click "Join Group" on the right to join the private Women's Initiative Facebook Group) and to take the Making Tough Choices challenge.
If you weren't able to attend, click here to put yourself in the shoes of a typical ALICE family and navigate through a month of tough choices.
Were you able to make it through the month? Did you have to make a choice you would not want to make? Did you set any money aside for emergencies or to save for the future?
These are the kinds of tough decisions ALICE and those living in poverty have to make every day. That's why we are working to help ALICE meet basic needs and create a pathway to a successful future, and that's why your support is so important.
Wrap and Wine Wrap Up
Thank you to our generous members who collected books for United Way Bright Beginnings students. The virtual Wrap and Wine volunteer project brought Women's Initiative members together to wrap gifts and mingle from home while learning about how United Way Bright Beginnings prepares children from lower-income families for success. This year, members collected about 900 books to help make the holidays brighter for 450 students at 5 United Way agencies.
On behalf of all of the children who received these gifts, thank you! You helped create home libraries for so many.
Photos can be seen on our Facebook page. (if you don't see the photos, click "Join Group" on the right to join the private Women's Initiative Facebook Group)
See how United Way Bright Beginnings has adapted for COVID-19.
Upcoming Events
Virtual Tour of Texas Southern University Hannah Hall
January 21
Join us as Dr. Alvia Wardlaw, TSU University Museum Director and Curator, discusses The Murals of Hannah Hall. Dr. Wardlaw is a one of the country's top experts on African-American art and history. Texas Southern is the only university in the United States to have over 128 student murals on the campus, dating from 1949 to 2013.
Connect with Us
Stay up to date on events and happenings, connect with fellow members, and learn more about the impact we make together in our Women's Initiative Facebook and LinkedIn groups. |
New Tool Makes Giving Stock Simple
Do you have appreciated stocks? Transferring appreciated stocks directly to United Way of Greater Houston is a powerful way to strengthen our community and save on your taxes. Use our free tool to make a smart gift of stocks now at freewill.com/stocks/unitedway. |