Nov. Update from the Women's Initiative
Thanks and Giving: News, Events, and More! |
November 2021

Making Merry


Meet Katie Thurman

Get a Reality Check

Making Merry! Participate in the Annual Wrap and Wine Volunteer Project
One of WI’s most popular activities returns as an in-person event to be held in United Way's large auditorium.
You can participate in one or two ways:
Part one: Donate art and music-inspired books to our book drive benefitting United Way Bright Beginnings youngsters (ages 2 to 4). Simply order from Amazon using the teacher’s wish list or choose some of your favorites and have the books delivered to the United Way building by Wed., Dec. 1. (This is especially easy if you can’t attend the wrapping event!) Or, shop on your own and bring the books with you to the event on Dec. 2.
Part two: Join us at the United Way Center as we wrap the books as holiday presents with fellow members. We’ll supply the wrapping paper, ribbons, and bows while you bring your helping hands and holiday spirit to this fun, holiday-filled evening of volunteering.
RSVP here. If you’d like to attend virtually, please email Isha Baker at
December 2, 2021, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
United Way Center
50 Waugh Drive
Houston, Texas 77007

#GivingTuesday is November 30
Giving Tuesday has grown to become the world’s biggest day of giving to charitable organizations. This global movement takes place every year after Black Friday and is an opportunity for charities, companies and individuals to rally around causes they care deeply about.
Have someone on your gift list who’s hard to buy for? Consider making a donation to United Way in their honor. Any donation is the right size and goes a long way toward building a stronger community.
Donate now!

Meet Katie Thurman
This WI member and Steering Committee volunteer
sends a big hello from ExxonMobil’s offshore Berkut platform near Sakhalin, Russia. Katie’s a Well Operations Superintendent whose rotational assignment has her commuting monthly between Russia and her Houston home. And you thought your drive was long.
Why do you like giving your time and treasure to the United Way?
Katie: Getting involved with the United Way and giving back to the Houston community has been a constant for me while living and working in Norway, Guyana, and Russia. I like meeting people and participating in the Second Century Vision Investment process and other volunteer activities, which is why I’m looking forward to connecting with other WI members at the Wrap and Wine event. I’m also excited to see my family at Thanksgiving and explore my favorite Houston gems, like the Arboretum where I can be outdoors and enjoy nature.
Pilates or yoga?
Katie: Interesting that you ask! Yoga! Most people don’t know that I am a certified Yoga instructor.
Katie would love to connect with more WI members. Reach out to her via her LinkedIn page.

Get a Reality Check
Reality Check is an eight-part series that examines what it means to be ALICE -- asset limited, income constrained, employed. Produced in partnership by Houston Public Media and our United Way, each three-minute episode shines a light on the 47 percent of working families in our area who are struggling to make ends meet and explores how we can help break the cycle.
Reality Check episodes are aired during program breaks on Houston PBS (Channel 8). See the first four episodes and keep an eye out for the next four coming soon!
Upcoming Events
Wrap and Wine
Thursday, Dec. 2
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
United Way Center
50 Waugh Drive
Houston, Texas 77007
Women Who Rock (Montgomery County)
Mar. 4, 2022
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The Woodlands Waterway Marriott
1601 Lake Robbins Drive
The Woodlands, Texas 77380
Connect with Us
Stay up to date on events and happenings, connect with fellow members, and learn more about the impact we make together in our Women's Initiative Facebook and LinkedIn groups.
About the Women's Initiative
Women’s Initiative members enjoy engaging networking events, personal and professional development programs, and volunteer opportunities where they learn about community issues and the impact United Way programs make. Members make personal gifts of $2,500 or more annually and collectively contributed more than $4.7 million in 2020-2021.